Recent Trends in Renewable Energy in Japan: Hydrogen Energy
Setting up Business in Japan
Offshore Wind Power Generation in Japan; current development
Expansion of the Scope of Business Categories subject to BOJ Prior Notification Filing
Human Resources – Advocating for flexible, positive, and healthy workplaces
Dr. Tobias Schiebe, the chair of the EBC Human Resources Committee spoke with Eurobiz Japan about the committee’s activities.
Stricter policies, safer data – Amendments to Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information come into force
Data Protection: “We expect increased awareness”
Dr. Tobias Schiebe and Daniel Schwarz spoke to Asia Bridge, the largest German-language publication on Asian markets, about changes to the Japanese data protection laws.
OPEN PDFStricter Road Safety Rules in Japan: Mandatory Alcohol Check for Employees
From Human Rights to the Environment: How the German legislator regulates global supply chains
Dr. Carmen Appenzeller and Ulrich Kirchhoff write on the German Supply Chain Act and its effects for Japan-based companies in the AHK Japan’s publication Japanmarkt.
OPEN PDFRestructuring Human Resources
Workplace Harassment
German FDI Screening
Assertion of Monetary Claims
COVID-19 Vaccination for employees
German Supply Chain Act
Re-Employment after Retirement Age
The End Of The Paperchase
Dr. Tobias Schiebe comments on trends to digitalize legal procedures in Japan for Eurobiz Japan, a monthly print magazine about trade, business and investment from Europe to Japan.
OPEN PDFMajor Trends in Offshore Wind Power Generation in Japan
Amendments to Japanese Rules on Renewable Energy
„Remote Workforce“: Cybersecurity und Datenschutz sind Pflicht
Das Risiko von Cyberangriffen steigt weltweit. Sowohl Gesetzgeber und Behörden als auch Unternehmen und Individuen sind daher gefordert, ein Bewusstsein für Risiken zu entwickeln und Vorkehrungen zu treffen. Covid-19 hat die Arbeitswelt rapide verändert. War Telearbeit vor der Pandemie üblicherweise nur eine Option für einige wenige Mitarbeiter, wurde sie innerhalb kürzester Zeit für viele Unternehmen zum neuen Standard, um eine Ausbreitung des Coronavirus zu verhindern.
OPEN PDFBOJ Filing and FDI Category Expansion
Notification Obligations for Investors in Listed Companies
Balancing Home Office with Office Work
COVID-19 Outbreak in Japan: Legal Implications from a HR perspective
Rie Taiko (TMI Associates) and Dr. Tobias Schiebe spoke at a webinar hosted by the AHK Japan on challenges for employers during the pandemic.
Corporate Governance Structures for Japanese Stock Corporations
HR Compliance: Power and Sexual Harrasment
Work Style Reform
Common Misconceptions about GDPR
E-Commerce in Japan
Ulrich Kirchhoff and Dr. Tobias Schiebe write in the AHK Japan’s publication Japanmarkt about legal requirements and contractual solutions for a successful online business in Japan.